Books & Online Courses

TCloud Books and & Online courses provides authors and content creators with a platform to create and sell books and other digital content thus enabling them to turn their knowledge into income.

1.  Selling Books and Online Courses

TCloud enables authors and content creators to sell books and online courses by making them available for their clients to pay and download.

2.  Payment Support

Through TCloud, authors and content creators are able to receive payments from their books and content purchases from any part of the world using either credit / debit card or mobile money

3.  Website Link

TCloud provides your business with a customized website link that enables your potential customers to access information about your books or digital courses, order and pay for them online

4.  Search Engine Optimization

TCloud provides your business with a customized website link that enables your potential customers to access information about your books and courses, order and pay for them online

5.  Automated Receipts

TCloud enables your clients to get receipts automatically via email and sms upon ordering and paying for products.

6.  Blogs

TCloud helps you write blogs and share stories about your books or online courses which you can then automtically share with your potential clients in real-time via both sms and email

7.  5 Star Rating and Reviews System

TCloud enables your clients to rate and review your books or digital courses. Positive reviews reassure customers that they can trust your brand.

8.  Order Notifications

Through TCloud, you will get automated text and email notifications when you have a new order.

9.  Social Media Sharing Support

With TCloud, you can automatically share your books or digital courses directly to social media.

10.  Whatsapp Booking

With TCloud your clients can book your books or digital courses directly through whatsapp.

11.  Landing page

TCloud landing page systems helps you to acquire and convert new leads into prospective clients.

12.  Special Events Reminder / Wishes

Through the system you can wish your clients well during special occasions such as Christmas, happy new year etc.,

13.  Free Marketing Classes

With a TCloud Account, you are guaranteed free marketing classes every Thursday from 8:00PM to 9:10PM EAT